'Can I have a raise?': The 10 most difficult workplace conversations

Starting any kind of discourse at work can be incredibly stress-inducing, and has prompted thousands of employees to turn to the internet for tips and tricks on what to do when the necessity arises. 

From confronting a coworker to admitting when they've made a mistake, Global HR Solutions company Remote recently analyzed Google search data to reveal just what kind of discussions workers were seeking the most guidance for online — and how companies could make the process easier on them. 

"Difficult conversations at work are bound to come up from time to time," Nadia Vatalidis, vice president of People at Remote said in a press release. "All team members should be encouraged to proactively address problems rather than avoid the conversation and prolong an issue. Leaders should strive to create a work environment that fosters open communication and honesty so when they are needed, these types of conversations don't feel so hard."

Read more: HR 101: 6 tips to remember when asking for a raise

Employees are most anxious about engaging with their bosses about compensation and PTO.  Asking for a raise was revealed as the most searched for workplace question, with an average of 8,100 people Googling 'how to ask for a pay rise' each month in 2022 — almost twice as high as 'How to tell your boss you're sick', which came in second place with an average of 2,900 searches per month.  

Employees are also struggling to address mistreatment at work and sharing their experiences with leadership. 'How to give negative feedback,' 'how to report unfair treatment at work,' 'how to report bullying at work' and 'how to talk to your boss about burnout' all made the top 10. 

"Establishing regular one-on-one meetings with direct reports is a critical step to enabling this culture of direct communication," Vatalidis said. "Ensure all team members have a designated safe space to have these difficult conversations."

See what questions employees are seeking the most help with:

How to ask for a pay rise?

Monthly Google searches: 8,100

How to tell your boss you’re sick?

Monthly Google search: 2,900

How to give negative feedback?

Monthly Google search: 720

What to say on your first day at work?

Monthly Google search: 720

How to report unfair treatment at work?

Monthly Google search: 590

What to say to someone leaving a job?

Monthly Google search: 480

How to report bullying at work?

Monthly Google search: 320

How to talk to your boss about burnout?

Monthly Google search: 320

What to say to an employee who is leaving?

Monthly Google search: 320

What to say when you’ve made a mistake at work?

Monthly Google search: 260