Family benefits matter: Ovia Health reduces preterm births for workers

It's no secret that pregnancy and birth can come with a long list of life-threatening conditions and sizable hospital bills. But Ovia Health, a family health benefits platform, is confident the right care can reverse dangerous trends. 

Preterm births, or birth that occurs before 37 weeks of pregnancy, affected 10% of the U.S. population in 2020, according to March of Dimes, a non-profit that works to improve the health of mothers and babies. Preterm birth can lead to a higher likelihood of death or disability for the child, who has not fully developed in those last weeks of pregnancy. Meanwhile, mothers are more likely to suffer from postpartum mood and anxiety disorders. 

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Fortunately, preterm births do not have to completely be left up to chance. 

Ovia Health examined over 10,000 member and non-member insurance claims and found that those who engaged with Ovia's preterm birth prevention program reduced their chances of preterm birth by 54%. The control group (non-Ovia members) had a preterm birth rate of 8.3%, while Ovia members registered at 3.8%. This means Ovia's tools and care team were able to make both a physical and financial difference, says Dr. Leslie Saltzman, chief medical officer at Ovia Health.

"Infants born prematurely may have impaired development on their organs, such as their lungs, brain and heart," says Dr. Saltzman. "Instead of going home with their parents, these infants have to spend a long time in neonatal intensive care units — and depending on how early their birth was, these impairments may be life-long."

The National Center for Health Statistics found that preterm birth and low birth weight accounted for about 17% of infant deaths in 2019. Premature infants are also at higher risk for asthma, hearing loss, delayed tooth growth, vision problems, neurological disorders and cerebral palsy. 

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These potential complications are only compounded by the healthcare costs associated with preterm births. March of Dimes estimates that a premature baby spends an average of 25.4 days in a specialty care nursery, costing families $144,692. In fact, preterm births add $26.2 billion to U.S. healthcare spend each year. 

"I noticed that people aren't really thinking about what happens if their baby is born prematurely and what that could mean in terms of costs," says Dr. Saltzman. "It's a hard thing for people to think about their pregnancy in terms of what happens if something goes wrong."

That's why Dr. Saltzman hopes that Ovia's platform can do a lot of the thinking for its patients. She notes that because Ovia identifies pre-existing health risks, as well as tracks any that develop through one's pregnancy like preeclampsia and gestational diabetes, Ovia's care team can create personalized care pathways for its members. Additionally, members have access to women's healthcare clinicians, health coaches and parenting experts every day of the week, with unlimited sessions. If a parent is noticing a change in their health or experiencing increased stress, they can talk to someone who knows how to manage maternal health threats — and that guidance can be the difference between engaging in one's health and letting concerns slide, explains Dr. Saltzman. 

"When a pregnant person engages with our care team, it motivates them to understand their health and be compliant with interventions like medication and changes in diet," she says. "It inspires them to make those long-lasting behavioral changes and feel that they can influence the health of their baby."

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Ongoing care during pregnancy would be especially beneficial for Black mothers, who are 50% more likely to deliver a premature baby than white women. A study entitled "African American Women's Views of Factors Impacting Preterm Birth" revealed that education and economic status are not even primary risk factors for pregnant Black women. Rather physical, psychological and social stressors that stem from a lack of social support, poor nutrition and constant racial discrimination lead to chronic elevated stress hormones, which in turn leads to preterm births. Dr. Saltzman points out that this is why Ovia's clinicians and experts must also be able to deliver culturally competent care. A one-size-fits-all approach is not care, she says.

Given that 86% of women in the U.S. have one or more children by the time they reach 40 to 44 years of age, according to Pew Research Center, maternal health is not a minority issue. Dr. Saltzman advises employers to invest in family health — or risk pregnancy complications, costing the company money and talent. 

"The stress preterm births put on families is enormous," says Dr. Saltzman. "Supporting people in having healthy pregnancies and healthy babies isn't just a way to make employees happier, but a way to allow people to be more present when they return to work. These improved health outcomes go beyond mothers and shape entire families."

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Employee benefits Health and wellness