A new partnership aims to boost postpartum health and fitness

Moms are pros at taking care of the people around them, but it’s not always easy for them to prioritize their own health and well-being — especially during the postpartum phase of motherhood.

That’s why benefits platform Ovia Health is partnering with women-focused fitness brand P.volve to deliver postpartum content and exercises through Ovia’s suite of apps and P.volve’s digital platform.

“Three-quarters of Ovia’s audience are first-time moms and parents, and we’re uniquely positioned to offer them educational content that’s backed by science,” says Pamela Abbott, general manager of consumer products at Ovia Health. “P.volve is the best at providing solutions, and they can do things that just aren’t in our wheel house — our missions are so aligned, but their programs and streaming services are a great partnership for us.”

The workouts will deliver doctor-approved exercises focused on helping strengthen pelvic floor muscles. Workshops and original content will be offered to further support the postpartum journey.

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Ovia Health — which provides guidance and resources throughout the various stages of family-planning and parenthood via consumer-facing products and employer-provided programs — already offers postpartum-focused tools, like support on screening for depression. The new fitness-focused partnership with P.volve will expand its commitment to postpartum health and empower Ovia to deliver an increasingly personalized and data-driven offering.

“If someone is postpartum, we know who they are, because we already have this self-reported data,” Abbott says, noting that Ovia members and users who are 10 days postpartum will receive a notification alerting and driving them to P.volve’s pelvic floor content. “That allows us to personalize all of this content to her, based on what she’s already shared with us about her journey.”

In addition to providing clinician-approved content, both Ovia and P.volve see this new partnership as a way to provide women with a safe, supportive space — away from the pressures of mainstream social media.

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“We’re all aware of how toxic Instagram and some social media channels can be for young girls, women, and especially women going through fertility issues and postpartum issues,” Abbott says. “If you’re going through that, Instagram is probably not where you are declaring some of your greatest struggles and difficulties. Ovia is a safe community where women can find out more about themselves and their bodies, and find that educational content as well as conversation and support.”

Since launching in 2017, P.volve has also made a name for itself as a safe, supportive outlet for women to find science-backed fitness solutions. Its low-impact workouts — like the recently launched Phase & Function program, based on the phases of a woman’s menstrual cycle — often target female-specific wants, needs and challenges.

“P.volve’s entire mission is really about helping women feel powerful in their mind and body, from the time they hit puberty, to dealing with PMS, all the way to post-menopausal,” says Julie Cartwright, president at P.volve. “We really focused on the postpartum life stage with Ovia as the partnership started, but we’ve got ambitions to further develop this, because there’s so much we can do together.”

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Wellness Technology Gender issues