Employee input seen as key to success with digital transformation

A majority of companies are working toward strengthening their digital strategies, but there is still room for improvement, according to a recent survey report by technology services company Globant.

The company queried 300 U.S. decision makers involved in their companies' new technology initiatives, and found that 87 percent are pursuing a digital transformation initiative, less than one third (28 percent) said they're innovative and their digital maturity is cutting edge.

Collaboration is a top priority for organizations, according to the survey. Decision makers highlight the ability to interact and collaborate across departments (52 percent) as the most valuable capability to help organizations successfully execute internal digital initiatives.

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By 2025, the top motivators to adopt new technologies will include using data more intelligently (44 percent), improving the end-user experience (44 percent), and driving cost efficiencies (35 percent). Improving employees' experiences was low on the list of motivators (27 percent), indicating a need for added focus moving forward, the report said.

Employee input is key to success with digital efforts. One third of organizations (33 percent) think employees impacted by digital transformation initiatives should be aware of changes from day one, while 43 percent loop employees in once a strategy is in place.

The C-suite leads internal digital initiatives more than two-thirds of the time (69 percent), with the CTO (25 percent), CEO (17 percent) and CIO (13 percent) leading the way.

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Digital Transformation Data strategy Employee engagement