How 10 benefit providers are offering support post-Roe v. Wade

After Roe v. Wade was overturned by the Supreme Court last month, employers and benefit providers have been quick to respond in support of the health of their workforce, and with a game plan to help individuals seek out the care they need.

Employee Benefit News reached out to 10 companies that provide necessary healthcare for women and families to discuss the steps they’re taking to ensure access not only for abortion services, but for the full spectrum of health and family needs. 

Read more: Employers grapple with providing benefits and avoiding legal trouble post-Roe v. Wade

“Every person should be free to choose if and when they become a parent and every person should have the agency and the ability to access fertility care and advanced reproductive technologies if they want or need them,” says Dr. Angeline Beltsos, CEO of clinical at Kindbody, a fertility benefits provider. “We have never been more passionate about and committed to making fertility and family-building care accessible for all.” 

Dr. Beltsos and other leaders from Ovia Health, Maven, Pumpspotting and more shared how the news impacted their teams, and the new benefits they plan to offer their own employees, as well as their employer clients.  


Employee benefits provider
“The Forma team believes that all people should have the ability to make their own choices about their body and their future, and that reproductive care is deeply personal and a core part of healthcare,” Jason Fan, CEO and co-founder of Forma, tells Employee Benefit News. “The notion that a decision like this is determined by the government instead of between individuals and their doctors is deeply disturbing. In order to support that, we will continue to offer comprehensive health plans at no cost to our employees and a flexible PTO plan to support the time away from work for healthcare needs. In addition to that, we are adding a Medical-Travel HRA to our health benefit offerings to be used for the expenses those seeking out-of-state abortion services may incur.”


Fertility benefits provider
“We are deeply disappointed by this decision. Access to healthcare is our North Star at Kindbody and patient-centered care is the foundation on which our company was built. As reproductive healthcare providers, our position is that all people have a right to patient privacy and autonomy over their own bodies,” Dr. Angeline Beltsos, CEO of clinical of Kindbody, tells Employee Benefit News. “Right now, our focus is on our patients and providing them with the support they need. We will do everything to protect their rights.

“We stand with the American Society for Reproductive Medicine and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists who have been hard at work to protect patients’ reproductive rights at both the national and state levels. In the days and weeks to come, we will work with these organizations and others to ensure that the privacy and rights of all of our patients are protected and that, regardless of where our patients live, they can safely access the healthcare they need. This is a sad day for women’s and family health. We stand in solidarity with our patients. We have never been more passionate about and committed to making fertility and family-building care accessible for all.” 


Lactation pod provider
“As a company dedicated to women’s health, we know that the Supreme Court ruling will create additional hardships for many. Agency over our bodies is a human right worth protecting for all people. Mamava is committed to advocating for and supporting reproductive care. Like many companies, Mamava has committed to covering travel expenses for abortion care treatments not available in an employee’s home state,” Sascha Mayer, co-founder and chief brand officer at Mamava, tells Employee Benefit News. “But employer support shouldn’t stop there. Supporting employees’ health and wellness encompasses a broad spectrum of benefits, including but not limited to fair wages, strong medical and wellness benefits, parental leave, flexible working arrangements to accommodate child care responsibilities, lactation spaces and policies in office spaces, and more. 

 “Supporting employees requires investing attention into creating a workplace culture that is inclusive and equitable for all, where people feel safe to show up, speak up, advocate for themselves and for others, where leadership is responsive to feedback. It’s always been the right time for businesses to make decisions that value people along with profits, but the stakes have never been higher for supporting employees and taking a stand. The Roe v. Wade ruling underscores the idea that human rights are under attack — and employers must be vigilant and prepared to use their power to positive effect.” 


Women's and family healthcare company
“At Maven, we hoped for a different outcome, but we prepared for this one. Maven employees and providers have been working around the clock to adapt to this new world, offering a safe place for members to receive evidence-based care and support,” Kate Ryder, founder and CEO of Maven, wrote on LinkedIn. “Our members can continue to come to us for the full spectrum of their reproductive health needs including pregnancy options, counseling, clinic navigation, and accessing medication in accordance with local regulations. Employers and health plans can also choose to reimburse their employees’ or members’ out-of-state travel costs through Maven Wallet. 

“Maven was founded in 2014 to remove the barriers to accessing women’s and family healthcare, particularly full-spectrum reproductive healthcare, which remains deeply misunderstood and stigmatized in this country and around the world. Our mission has never felt more relevant or urgent than it does today." 

Mother Honestly

Family and caregiving benefit provider  
"The timing is just bad on all fronts — from the formula shortage, to the Build Back Better bill being tossed aside, and now our reproductive rights are being yanked from underneath us. There just isn't enough consideration for women, or caregivers in general. Women want to participate in the workforce, so please stop making it harder for us to do so," Blessing Adesiyan, founder and CEO of Mother Honestly, tells Employee Benefit News. "Six out of 10 women who get an abortion or seek an abortion are actually mothers needing help for real medical reasons. But even without any reason at all, you should still be able to make that decision for yourself. We know that when women have children, it means that they may potentially never continue their careers. They may potentially go into poverty. They may potentially experience domestic violence. There's a lot of things that come with having a baby in a country that doesn't actually support us.”

Ovia Health

Family health benefits provider
“Ovia Health’s digital solution for reproductive health, pregnancy and parental well-being is designed to fill gaps in care and empower members to make proactive, informed decisions about their health,” Gina Nebesar, co-founder and chief product officer at Ovia Health, tells Employee Benefit News. “We’ll continue to provide evidence-based programs to navigate these critical health and life stages to millions of people, available as a covered benefit at over 2,000 employers nationwide, and at no cost to individuals.

“As a women’s health ambassador, I’ve dedicated my career to building technologies that break down barriers to self-advocacy and care. During this pivotal moment in history, I am proud to be part of a purpose and community that believes every person deserves equitable care, and a healthy, happy family.” 


Fertility benefits provider
"On behalf of our clients, Progyny can administer a travel reimbursement benefit,” Pete Anevski, CEO of Progyny, tells Employee Benefit News. “We are working with our clients on a state-by-state basis to navigate how to best support members who need access to fertility and other reproductive services." 


Breastfeeding support and education platform 
“While we were preparing for an outcome such as this, we are a team of women and mothers and were all shaken and discouraged. We couldn’t help but feel that the system had failed us again in showing up for women’s rights, whether breastfeeding support, reproductive care, or paid leave,” Amy VanHaren, CEO and founder, tells Employee Benefit News. “We see a real opportunity for employers to step up their benefits for families and to fill in the gaps our government has not addressed, from paid leave to child care to breastfeeding and pumping support. We are implementing an additional yearly health stipend for all employees to support out-of-pocket medical or travel costs associated with reproductive health or key women’s health services. 

Pumpspotting is matching employee donations to women’s health organizations offering breastfeeding and reproductive care in local communities and offering time off for employees to volunteer at reproductive justice or maternal health nonprofits. Most importantly, we’re implementing an open communication policy and working on proactive ways to foster a culture of support and security so that every employee feels not only comfortable in making the choices they need for their families and selves but also supported no matter the journey they choose.” 


Women’s healthcare clinic and community
“Tia has been preparing for some time for a post-Roe America, rooted in our staunch belief that abortion is healthcare, period. We’re ready to do our part to support our patients with access to medication abortion via our virtual care team in California and New York, where it remains legal, and via a local partner on-the-ground in Arizona, where we’ll continue to monitor local laws closely,” Carolyn Witte, CEO of Tia, tells Employee Benefit News. “We’re also advocating for medication abortion to become a new 'standard of care' for women’s primary care, something that all primary care and virtual care companies can and should provide to expand access in a post-Roe America. Instead of looking backwards to try to 'save Roe,' we must look forward and make abortion care part of women’s comprehensive primary care.” 


Employer-paid benefit platform for working parents
“In light of the Supreme Court’s recent decision, we remind all that Villyge stands for reproductive healthcare and “cultures of care,” Debi Yadegari, CEO and founder of Villyge, tells Employee Benefit News. “Legislature must act now to pass immediate reforms that codify Roe v. Wade into federal law. We believe employees should not have to choose between their personal goals and professional success, and employers also have a duty to support employees on that journey.

“In addition to connecting employees 1:1 with countless of Villyge Experts (including prenatal specialists, and labor and delivery nurses), Villyge also provides “just in time” guidance to help managers lead with empathy throughout various life events. For those employers now offering to cover the travel costs for employees who need an abortion, Villyge offers to work with you, your employee, and their manager to support them throughout that life event for free.”